The Online Sports Psychology Magazine.

A-Rod: Therapy Has Helped My Baseball

A "shrink" can expand your athletic performance. By Paul Schienberg, PhD Look what you've done, Yankee fans. According to a report in the New York...

Communication Blocks: Part II

By Paul Schienberg, PhD This article will address more communication blocks that can interfere with inner personal blocks (player in player and...

MOVIE NEWS: Exploring how exercise benefits each individual.

By Paul Schienberg, PhD In today’s modern world, we often hear individuals who exercise make statements about how they feel better than they...

Communication and Athletic Groups II

By Paul Schienberg, PhD If a group of any kind is to function, its members must be able to communicate easily and efficiently. In successful...

MOVIE NEWS: Reversal

By Paul Schienberg, PhD I had the good fortune of running into Jimi Petulla. He has created a film called “Reversal” with the help of...

Set Your Goals

by Miguel Humara, Ph.D. Athletes experience both success and failure, but what differentiates the two? While many books have been written on the subject, no...

Cognitive Style And Athletic Performance Part II: Self Talk

by Paul Schienberg, Ph.D. Self talk can be defined as a conversation we have with ourselves whether it is audible or not. There are various...


TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Rubber Legs DATE: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 07:36:51 After reading your interview with Jeff Torborg, I was wondering … My coach is...

INTERVIEW: Jeff Torborg

With Paul Schienberg, Ph.D. Jeffrey Torborg was born in Plainfield, New Jersey on November 26, 1941. He played as a catcher for 10 seasons in...

Depressed Athletes? Not Likely

by Miguel Humara, Ph.D. One of my students once asked me why there was so much research in the field of sport psychology on anxiety...