Communication and Athletic Groups II
By Paul Schienberg, PhD
If a group of any kind is to function, its members must be able to communicate easily and efficiently. In successful...
Drugs & Sports: Drug Types
By Paul Schienberg, PhD
This article will review drugs sometimes used by athletes. Most sports officials' voice a consistent negative attitude towards the use of...
Everyone’s A Winner: A Middle School Football Game
By Paul Schienberg, PhD
Thousands of middle school football games get played across the country every weekend. Coaches and players spend hours trying to figure...
GOLF: Pre-Shot Routine
by Miguel Humara, Ph.D.
“I wish I could hit it like that all the time” is one of the most common complaints I hear from...
A Runners Life
By Sarah Snyderman
In today’s modern world, there is no excuse for anyone to be out of shape. There are so many types...
Yoga and Golf
Thoughts on Yoga for Golf with Paul Schienberg, Ph.D.
An experience at the driving range enlightened me. I kept hitting the ball off to the left....
What Type of Goals Should a Golfer Set?
With Paul Schienberg, PhD
Setting goals improves performance in at least two ways: 1) working toward a goal improves self-confidence and motivation, and...
MENTAL TRAINING: Stop Those Unwanted Thoughts, Quick!
By Paul Schienberg, PhD
You’re on the 18th green and playing the best round of golf that you have ever played. It looks like you...
What Makes A Sports Team Successful Or Fail? Part I: Definition
In order make headway with this topic, we need to begin slowly by defining terms. This is very important for the team as a...
An Amateur Golfer From Long Island Plays With the Big Boys At The Bob...
By Paul Schienberg, PhD
My brother, Mark, plays out of the Muttontown Country Club on Long Island. On January 13, of 2007, he and I...