The Online Sports Psychology Magazine.


By Lina Vaisetaite You probably quite often feel pain while you train – what do you do then? Psychologists use the notion of “pain coping”. It...

INTERVIEW: A female, U.S. Olympic hurdler, Joanna Hayes, explains her use of imagery in...

With Paul Schienberg, PhD JOANNA HAYES Career Highlights: 2005 USA Outdoor 100m Silver medalist; 2004 Olympic 100m hurdles gold medalist; Olympic 100m hurdles record holder;...

What Type of Goals Should a Golfer Set?

With Paul Schienberg, PhD Setting goals improves performance in at least two ways: 1) working toward a goal improves self-confidence and motivation, and...

INTERVIEW: James Mason

A senior professional golfer shares his mental approach to better performance in a tournament. With Paul Schienberg, PhD The Commerce Bank Championship was played from...

INTERVIEW: Howard Soskind Talks About The Challenges of Being A Coach/Athletic Director At An...

With Paul Schienberg, PhD December 18th, 2005 Soskind: In order to be able to perform well you have to have control of your mind and...


The Mental Approach to Competitive Flying Flying is an equally if not more competitive sport, than golf. There are, I believe organizations that have used...

Why Hire a Sport Psychology Consultant?

By Paige Dunn Ask an athlete what percentage of their athletic performance is mental. Then ask them what percentage of their time they dedicate to...

Interview: Charles Coody

With Paul Schienberg, PhD The Commerce Bank Championship was played from June 27 - July 2, 2006 on the now prestigious Eisenhower Park. The public...

Guideline for Using Imagery

Maximize your senses ability to improve athletic performance. By Paul Schienberg, PhD Sport psychologists have been able to derive several guidelines for athletes interested in implementing...

Interview: Tom McKnight

With Paul Schienberg, PhD The Commerce Bank Championship was played from June 27 - July 2, 2006 on the now prestigious Eisenhower Park. The public...