The Online Sports Psychology Magazine.

FEATURE: Cognitive Style AND Athletic Performance Part I: Distortions

by Paul Schienberg, Ph.D. The pressures of competitive sport offer ideal situations for creating irrational or distorted cognitive styles. What athletes...

INTERVIEW: Mbarak Hussein

With Paul Schienberg, Ph.D. Mbarak Hussein was born and raised in Kenya. Some of his successes as a long distance runner include Second place in...


From: To: Subject: Great site! Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 08:27:51 P>Great Site! I really love your articles. I wrote this piece that I use...

Set Your Goals

by Miguel Humara, Ph.D. Athletes experience both success and failure, but what differentiates the two? While many books have been written on the subject, no...

Weigth Management and Athletics

by Paul Schienberg, Ph.D. There was Refrigerator Perry, defensive tackle, for the football Chicago Bears. Why the nickname? He weighed well over three hundred...

Depressed Athletes? Not Likely

by Miguel Humara, Ph.D. One of my students once asked me why there was so much research in the field of sport psychology on anxiety...


TO: FROM: SUBJECT: The Last Holes DATE: Thu, 21 May 2003 I have a pattern in my golf game that is getting on my...

MOTIVATION: The Good Ol’ Days, or How I Lost My Front Teeth

By Wayne Dominowski Forty years ago, we were issued single bar facemasks. Even so, as a lineman, the line coach called me...

INTERVIEW: Jeff Torborg

With Paul Schienberg, Ph.D. Jeffrey Torborg was born in Plainfield, New Jersey on November 26, 1941. He played as a catcher for 10 seasons in...

Eye And Hand Dominance – Baseball Performance

By Paul Schienberg, PhD Introduction: Background And History Except for a few isolated cases, such as the...